Off to a good start

Happy New Year!  I actually missed the change-over moment, as we turned in early.  Sissy had me up several times in the night though.  I had this odd  notion that I’d restrict her water intake after about 10pm.  HA!  Her bladder stretches, but her throat gets parched quickly.  Turns out all the whining and getting up in the night was for water in, not out.  Around 2am, she made a dash for the waterer in the kitchen, filled up, and slept for 7 hours straight…

So, resolutions.  I generally make some, the standard ones that everyone else makes.  Last year left a lot of room for improvement, and while I do hope to sleep 8 hours most nights and would love to lose some weight, I’m going to make resolutions that are positive and affirming to the things  I hold dear.  

1.  I resolve to share Sissy’s joy in the little things, like the way leaves crunch when we jump in them.

2.  I resolve to practice Mugsy’s patience with those I love when they are annoying pests.  However, when I do break, I don’t plan to growl or snap…

3.  I resolve to enjoy my knitting.  This meaning avoiding deadlines, so that when I feel I’m slogging along on something bigger than a sock, I can put it aside until it’s fun again.

4.  I resolve to ask for what I want, even though that gives others permission to turn me down.  (Sissy is relentless in asking Mugsy to play, despite the very regular, negative outcome.) 

5.  I resolve to enjoy my food.  If it isn’t what I want to eat, I should stop chewing!

That’s it.  Just a few little things I hope I can put into practice today, and for the next 365 days too.  How ’bout you?  Have you made resolutions?

There’s knitting going on, but it’s for someone who reads my blog, so no photos just yet.  I’m really enjoying it though, and I hope the recipient will find it pleasing too, when I hand it over.

Tomorrow is the day I’ve been waiting for.  Sissy will be 10 weeks old, and eligible for enrollment in puppy classes.  Whew.  She truly is a very good girl, and is learning quickly, but I think we’ll all benefit from the puppy classes.  I hope to have a picture of her tomorrow or Thursday.  She’s growing like a weed! 

13 comments on “Off to a good start

  1. crimsonpurl says:

    I missed the change over too by 20 minutes! LOL Haha! I just couldn’t make it! ;op

    Here is to new ways in the new year!

  2. Amanda says:

    There was no way no how I was missing the ball drop last night! I wanted to have proof. I needed that proof! ha ha… Didn’t want to wake up and find out that it was still 2007…

    Good resolutions. Seems like the theme is to take care of yourself – which is always good. As women, we tend to give until there is nothing left.

  3. insanknitty says:

    Chan, I love your resolutions.. and while I’m still working on my ‘goals’… I am right there with you on the relaxed knitting 🙂 Hugs to all the flammy… furry and otherwise!

  4. Wendy says:

    I’ve decided to go the simple route for resolutions this year, taking them step by step. What can I do right now (this month) to make me a better person? I love your ideas and I may have to incorporate something similar into some of mine along the way.

    Here’s to a more joyful new year!

  5. Robin in VA says:

    Love your resolutions…I’m not making any this year~~somehow they get broken every year!

  6. Anita says:

    Nice resolutions there, I’ll think on this some more and post what I decide. I always seem to break them so I’m gonna try to make them realistic. 🙂

  7. Nancy says:

    Happy New Year! I saw 2008 come in via TV, while I was knitting. 🙂 I have no firm resolutions, but I am going to try to lose some weight, it will help, I think, with my ankle over time. I’m also going to try to be nicer to people and be more tolerant. (this is mainly work related.) Also, I have put my 2 lace projects on hiatus for a while, I’m anxious to get back to them. I, too, would like to enjoy knitting and not have deadlines.

  8. Gaylen says:

    I was up at midnight in New York – too bad I live in Seattle 🙂 And it was our anniversary too – 13 years!

    Love your goals – We learn so much from the dogs. As for growling and snapping when you reach your limit – maybe not such a bad idea. Think about it, Mugsy may snap, but then it’s over and he moves on. As people we tend to brood about it and go over it again and again in our minds until we know how to handle the situation and by then everyone but us has forgotten.

    As for the dogs – I told Jay today when we walked the tall hounds that we needed to find as much joy in taking a walk as Miss Lucy does – she was beside herself to be walking today. g

  9. Bubblesknits says:

    LOL Poor Sissy. She’s about to be introduced to the “clicker”. Atleast, that’s what our puppy classes used. 🙂

    Great resolutions. Here’s hoping that we can all keep ours for more than a few days. LOL

  10. becky says:

    The clicker rules! LIza can sit, lay down, “let go” and find a spot. We didn’t go to class but I did read a book.

    The latest biting/nipping trick includes husband and I growling and baring our teeth at her-HA! It seems to be working the best so far. She laughed at our “yips.”

    What really prompted me to comment though was “growing like a weed.” I say PROVE IT- which is really a veiled disguise requesting more pix!

  11. p3knitter says:

    Those are all wonderful resolutions! I totally understand about the knitting deadline, and wanting to enjoy your knitting more.

    Good Luck and Happy New Year!

  12. nichole says:

    A little growling every now and then never hurt anybody… lol!
    I like your food one!

  13. […] Unresolved Anita just got me thinking…  She’s one of many friends/bloggers who remarked that she doesn’t make resolutions because she doesn’t want to look back at failure.  So, perhaps I should look back and evaluate 2008 according to my resolutions. […]

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