Bag Boy

Er, tote prince?  Just doesn’t have the same ring to it.

Isn’t he a cute little purse dog?  I had thoughts of getting Sissy to pose, but she’s just too active.  This also gives you a sad shot of his left eye, which is going blind, but other than him being a little jumpy if someone surprises him on that side, he’s adjusting well.

It wasn’t so long ago that Mugsy was often too active to pose for a decent photo.  It makes me sad to realize he’s aging, and it seems to be  happening rather quickly.  For all the constant chatter about wild, wonderful Sissy, Mugsy is still my prince, my baby man, and one of the best dogs ever.  If anything, Sissy’s antics make Mugsy, even as an active puppy, seem even more like the little piece of heaven that he is.

Also, while the humidity’s down, so it my hair, so here’s a shot of a decent hair day.  I assure you, I am not on drugs, no matter how it looks.  MJ just doesn’t seem to be able to capture me looking anything other than weird.   The idea is that the top and sides are smooth and the bottom flips out.  The bottom is always happy to do its thing, but the sides want to flip too, and the top alternates between being too flat and curling like crazy.  I think I’m still searching for the perfect style, and I’m going to make another appointment soon. 

That’s Dogs on Thursday from here.  Be sure to swing in and check out the others too.  It’s truly a little friday for me; I get to skip out for lunch with a friend, but more on that tomorrow!

21 comments on “Bag Boy

  1. Natalie says:

    Your hair looks GREAT!!! and that picture of Mugsy is too cute!!

  2. Bubblesknits says:

    Poor Mugsy. Makes me want to drive up there just to cuddle him for a while. Btw, your hair looks awesome! Great pic!

  3. Gaylen says:

    Too bad Mr. Mugsy is too big to lug around in that bag! He looks cute in there though. It is hard to realize they are getting old.

    Your hair looks good. When mine was longer I would let the bottom and sides flip out – but the top was always flat. Ugh – hair! g

  4. Dianne says:

    Your hair looks great – so shiny and healthy! Mugsy is such a sweetie. Love him in the bag!

  5. Nichole says:

    Mugs looks so tiny in the bag! 🙂 Cute boy…

    The hair looks great… after how mines been looking the past 2 weeks, you have absolutely NOTHING to compalin about sista!

  6. AWww…as we say around here, Mugsy in a bag is “adogable”! Good luck with the hair in the humidity ever doing what you want…really, I wish you good hair…someone should have it.

  7. AlisonH says:

    You look great! But your little one there is trying to upstage you–he’s adorable and he knows it.

  8. StarSpry says:

    Mugsy looks adorable in your bag! I’m sorry to hear he’s going blind; poor little guy.

    Your hair looks great! I’m still in search of the perfect style for my hair, too.

  9. Anniebananie says:

    What happened to lunch? Email me at work – can’t get to home email from here. Don’t have your phone number. Maybe we should exchange cell numbers??

    Also, Musgy looks just perfect in that bag. It’s priceless. 🙂

  10. insanknitty says:

    I’m so sorry,… you’re in my prayers.

  11. Grace says:

    the last two comments have me very nervous—everything ok???

  12. Mary says:

    Oh Mugsy looks really cute in your tote! lol Good Boy!

    You and your family are in our prayers!

  13. Nichole says:

    I’m so very sorry hun….. know that I’m hear if you need anything, just hollar, text, call, email.. whatever. Please give Mark a hug for me… hugs. xoxo

  14. Darcy Watts says:

    I showed the pictures of Mugsy to my toddlers and giggled such cute pictures.What shampoo are you using I want that shine and bounce to;)I put up pictures on my blog of my cat precious she is a sweet cat we love her bunches:)Hugs Darcy

  15. Grace says:

    I am here too if you need anything at all

  16. Kim says:

    Mugsy’s too cute in the tote, perfect way to travel!

  17. Anita says:

    Mugsy looks cute in the bag!! Such a good boy. 🙂

    Your hair looks great!

    If you need anything at all I’m just a call away!!

  18. Nancy says:

    awww…look at the bag o’ Mugsy! Wish that we could freeze time and they stay with us forever…

  19. fireflynights says:

    Bag Dog is precious. That must be a huge bag to hold him. I might be able to get Mosby into a bag — once — but I just can’t see Roscoe cooperating.

  20. eastside resident says:

    Mugsy looks very much like my jack russell mix, Pistachio (we call him Stash). Stash was found abandoned and we rescued him. Say hi to Mugsy from Stash!! 🙂

  21. Paula says:

    Great picture!
    LOL! Mugsy just cracks me up! I love the tote dog!

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