Just another manic Thorsday

Happy Thorsday, little friday, thankful thursday, new member meeting day…  Well, that’s quite enough to celebrate, isn’t it?

June 2012 007The follow-up on my vet rant is on the girls’ blog.  I do feel ALMOST unreasonable in my demands of a local vet, but then I look at those sweet, loving faces and I know that finding the right person to fit into the already remarkable care team we have is anything but unreasonable.  I’m certainly biased, but it seems that everyone who meets Sissy recognizes there’s something truly special about her sweet heart, so paws crossed that the new to us vet we’ll see Saturday is right for the part of local vet in our play.  If not, we’ll keep looking.

Thankful?  Oh how I wish I had a photo of the most-awesome Wondervet.  I know several people with remarkable vets, but to have found one with the specialized training Sissy needed, who cares enough about “her girl” to remain involved in Sissy’s care over a year after moving half a country away is a blessing I can’t take lightly.

Same goes for the staff at the eye clinic.  I want to meet their HR – human resources – folks.  I want to spend a day with them, picking their brains and learning how they interview, because to a person, they are the most complete package I’ve ever seen.  I was pouty for months when the former front desk gal left, and while I’ll never forget her patience and kindness during some of the darkest days of my life, they did manage to find the perfect replacement.

December 2011 001

The Knight and his girls 12-11

And I’d be remiss if I didn’t give the Knight a shout-out.  He’s not that husband who shows up at all of the League events, but he quietly fixes dinner and has a plate waiting for me, even when I wander in closer to midnight than dinnertime, all while tending to his own chiefly duties at the firehouse.

I also couldn’t be perky and counting blessings on a long, LONG week (no matter how few work days it has in it) without the remarkable women on the League’s leadership team.  Their dedication and collaboration continues to inspire me, and I’m really looking forward to spending more time with the newest members this evening!

What are you thankful for today?

14 comments on “Just another manic Thorsday

  1. Nancy says:

    It’s always good to reflect on our blessings, large and small.

  2. Katherine says:

    What a blessing to have a man who loves your fur-babies as much as you do!! I know because I have one too. I’ve seen the same look on DH’s face when he is holding Macy as I see on the Knight’s face. Pure love! I’m praying that you find the absolute best and perfect care for Sissy. Good luck with the new vet!

    I’m thankful at the moment because both dogs are sleeping at my feet while I do data entry. Well, actually they are ON my feet.

  3. Mary says:

    Thank goodness it is Thursday. Only a few more commutes left in this week. Took me 2.5 hours to get home last night due to traffic screwups 😦

    Just glad I made it home in one piece.

  4. gmariesews says:

    Nice list of thankfuls there friend. My are pretty much the same as always but today I can add *sunshine *goober dogs *knitting friends *amazing people with my knitting abilities *have a job (even when it makes me crazy) *long weekends every week *my body (this one is a stretch!)


  5. AlisonH says:

    Bravo! Beautiful post!

    I’m thankful for faith, family, friends–life is good. And for feeling a bit better today.

  6. Nichole says:

    Wonderful post… a great support system means the world! Is the interview at the same practice as where local vet just left or is it a whole new practice? Sending good vet finding vibes!

  7. Marjie says:

    It’s nice to see someone appreciate her life, rather than whine when things are not perfect. And it’s really nice to see a couple who get along and complement each other so well. Happy Thorsday, Chan!

  8. kathy b says:

    today IM thankful for :
    a good long nap. we are talking 2 hours here…much needed.
    my wonderVET!!! Kristine.
    Yosemite memories!
    a little hummingbird that visited briefly yesterday

  9. Sue says:

    I’m thankful that the other five didn’t get sick, at least not yet. I’m thankful that four of the ones that were sick are now better. I’m thankful for a caring, patient vet who will try to help Samba when we see him tomorrow and will level with me and help me make good decisions for her.

  10. HOnestly…I’m thankful that tomorrow is Friday…my least busy day this week…I think…fingers crossed.

  11. Blond Duck says:

    I’m thankful for signs.

  12. Amy says:

    Finding a good vet is just as important, in my mind, as finding a good doctor and a good mechanic. Once you find a great one …. latch on and don’t let go. Good luck on Saturday!

    Today, I’ll be thankful if I’m dilated more than last week, when I go to my doctor’s appointment. I’m so ready to have this baby! I’m also going to ask him about inducing me if I go past my due date. I only have a certain amount of paid time off, so I need to see if I can get things moving. I’m hoping that he’ll say yes; why should it be a problem to schedule something like that if I’m only three or four days late? Women schedule c-sections all the time.

  13. A good vet is very important, so I don’t think you’re being unreasonable at all.

    I’m with you on being thankful for hubbies. Mine has been awesome throughout the beginning of cheerleading season. Sometimes I don’t get in from practice until 8:30 (it’s over at 7:30) and he has me a plate of food and the kitchen is cleaned up. Lots of brownie points.

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