Floatin’ Along

Welcome to my entry in the Bark ‘n Knit WIP Parade.

A group shot was out of the question, so grab a cuppa’, a snack, and settle into a VERY comfortable chair…

But wait!  Every parade needs some pagent queens, right?


Haddon Wood’s Princess of Joy, more commonly known as Sissy, is riding on the well-used chair of the late Pop.  She is wearing a glow in the dark ruff, accented with orange bells.  She is sponsored by the Woodridge Hound Club.


Next up is the Haddon Wood’s Junior Miss Princess Gretchen Greer.   L’il Miss GG is a foot entry (and thus, she sulks).  She sports a very seasonal gown with a glitzy jack o’ lantern.  She is sponsored by the Hogwarts Crup Alumni Society.

Both princesses’s attire was donated by their doting Gramma MJ.  (And yes, the girls are at work today, and they’d like you to read their very important post today too.)

We now return you to the parade in progress.

First up are my spinning works in progress, just because there are fewer of them and they are easier to cover.


April 2008

This definitely holds the title of oldest WIP.  It’s an unknown fiber that came free with the first spindle I purchased.   There’s a tiny bit on that spindle, and even more on my Kundert.  I’ll be practicing with this until I feel like a slightly competent spindler.  (Is that a word?  It should be.  Spinners who can master wheel and spindle are special.)

DSC01804Next up is the first pound of wool I bought.  It’s of an unknown, coarse, krinkled crimp stuff that LOVES to be a tightly twisted laceweight single.  I spun about a 1/3 of it on my Bellus and another 1/3 or so on my Aura, and it is what I’m spinning on now.  I want to finish it this month, as I started it immediately after a friend lost her battle with breast cancer.  I think I’m going to navajo ply it and then it’s definitely going to be Grace’s Comforting Embrace, the shawl she had just finished designing when my friend died.  Grace kindly donated the proceeds from the sale of this pattern for a time to cancer research. 

October 2010 003

Last in the spinning WIP division is the silk merino the Knight gave me for my birthday.  It’s all spun up, waiting for me to find the right commercial yarn to ply it with.  It’s roughly a fingering weight single, and I have visions of it being knitted into a lovely stole or cresent for dressier wear.  Any and all suggestions would be appreciated, both in terms of a plying yarn and a pattern.   I think I want either black or pewter…

Now, to the knitting projects on the needles.  I am happy to say there are no crochet WIPs.  For whatever reason – maybe because crochet is sooo quick? – I tend to finish what I start in crochet in a short order.

October 2010 005First up is the Tea Party Cardi, which I hope to finish this month too, but I need to get knitting.  I have the back done, but only a couple of inches of one front panel.  That’s a close-up of the broken rib pattern that dominates the sweater.  It’s a very fast knit, but I haven’t had much time to knit at home, and it’s a bit too bulky to take it with me as a travel knit.   I’ve had it on the needles 2.5 weeks, so a more realistic completion date might be mid-November.  I’ll need three buttons for the front.  Any suggestions?

DSC01318My most recent cast-on is a mystery sock a bunch of us are doing together in the Stash Sock group on Ravelry.   Since it is a mystery knit along, I’m not sharing photos, but that’s the yarn.  The goal is to finish by year’s end.  I’m really enjoying knitting with the Shi Bui yarn, even if the color is “peony”.  I’m pretending the color is merlot or some other lush, red wine that makes me think of fall.  I’m doing these socks magic loop, one per circular needle, but I’m knitting each clue on each sock before I move on.  I’ve finished clue #1 on one sock, but not the second.  And I believe clue #3 is being released today, so I’m falling behind, right on schedule.

October 2010 004I have another sock on the needles, the awesome Cotty pattern in a custom hand-dyed colorway by Ann.  This is my easy, breezy travel knit, and there’s no deadline, although the colorway says muted Christmas to me, and Ann did give me the yarn for Christmas 2008.  She calls the colorway Spring Ahead/Fall Back, and I can see that too…

As an aside, because this post won’t be too long already, I do need to tell you how much I love the ChiaoGoo Stainless circ.   I wasn’t at all sure about that bend in the metal tip near the cable join, but it makes the join a non-issue.  And the stainless wrapped in rugged plastic is a GREAT cable too.  I need more circular needles like I need another hole in my head, but…  Of course, you might guess that they’re available at Dog House Yarns & More.


Those are the three projects I’m actively working on.  Next up is the shop sample scarf for Dog House in a laceweight cashmere.  The pattern is one Plymouth released for their Eco Cashmere, and it’s a nice pattern, but I cast on for this in April, right before my knitting mojo went on a summer sabbatical.  I haven’t been able to get back into it, but I need to, because it’s a heavenly little cashmere… just ask Gretchen.  I’d like to finish this before I go up on Halloween to teach a magic loop class at the shop, but something has to give…  I can’t finish everything NOW!

DSC00804The other lingering WIP I worked on over the summer was MooSon.  I’m ashamed to admit I cast on in April, 2009.  It’s a great pattern and an even better Gypsy Knits custom-dyed yarn.   It was supposed to be a birthday gift that year, so I’m still hoping it’ll be a Christmas gift this year.  If not… well, there’s always said birthday 2011…  Christmas 2011…  You get the point.  Can the intended recipient guess this is for her?

DSC00375Even older is the gift made from another Gypsy Knits custom dye job.   Ravelry says I cast on in February, 2009.  Anita found it and figured out it was for her when she was doing some graphics work for me.  The mystery is though… neither of us have a clue when she’ll get it!  Sadly, despite this photo, it is almost done.  I think I have a bit of one sleeve to finish and then all of the second sleeve and the trim.  You’ll understand if I don’t remind her of the pattern or tell her when I hope to have it finished, right?!  😉

Do parades have an intermission?  Maybe this one should.  Get up, stretch, head to the bar for a latte or something else to wet your whistle…

DSC01415Actually, we just have one more hibernating project.  Sadly, I’m going to have to frog it and start over (it’s a good thing – I need a smaller size!), but I think it’s next up on the sweater agenda.   I cast on for Whisper in December 2009 (look!  less than a year ago!) almost immediately after Jessi sent me some of her laceweight to try.  I haven’t broken it to GG – Gretchen Greer – that her second favorite yarn is no more, but I’m not beyond a shameless plea for any remaining laceweight in her former shop inventory to head my way!  For Gretchen’s sake, right?!  It is a FINE merino, in every sense of the word.  And if ever you need help deciding how soft and premium your yarn might be, Gretchen works for cashmere, new frocks, carrots and bananas.

My float would be bigger/longer, but I did frog two projects two weekends ago.  Just don’t go look at my queue, okay?

20 comments on “Floatin’ Along

  1. Sue says:

    Whew… That leaves me tired, too tired to knit. Think I’ll go grab a cup of coffee and thumb thru some knitting magazines.

  2. gMarie says:

    Okay – in some semblance of order:

    ~ the girls are adorable as always. I love wee GG’s frock and that she’s pouting because she has to walk!

    ~ that little spindle in the first real float photo? Lovely! Love the painted design on it – how can you not use it – it’s so purdy! And no – that doesn’t mean send it to me.

    ~ tea party cardi? Silver/pewter buttons with some sort of simple celtic knot design – I can go shopping for you if you like!

    ~ love the socks and the sock yarns.

    ~ and you can’t have all of Bubbles’ remaining lace weight – I want some!!

    ~ now my comment is as long as your parade!! Happy (freakin’) Friday. g

  3. gMarie says:

    Dang! I forgot to mention that I think a pewter-ish grey would look lovely with the fiber from the Knight. Or maybe something really light and sparkly. Can I design a little cressent shaped something for it? tell me what you see and I’ll play with my books and ideas 🙂 g

  4. AlisonH says:

    Hey. I have a project I was going to finish for the SpinOff Magazine Rare Breeds contest of 1999. It’s almost done. It’s been almost done for a long, long time.

    That merlot color is gorgeous!

  5. Natalie says:

    Awesome!! Thanks for entering your awesome Float!! How exciting!!

  6. Sometmes I wish something languished a long time in my to be done pile, so I would feel like I finally finished something

    My Seascape scarf gave me a headache today and about 30 rows went to the frog pond, but I think we are back on track!

    The tea is delish!!!! Glad I made a whole pot, have a wonderful weekend and we can wish we were at Rhineback!

  7. Marjie says:

    Wow. I feel better having only one unfinished dress laying about my house (and some alterations for my dearly beloved, which I don’t count). Your white lacy thing is very pretty, and I’m glad the girls got to go to the office with you today. See? Nice disjointed response. And I just got an announcement that a realtor with whom we’ve dealt just had a baby boy (or, to be precise, his wife did). I think I might crochet him a baby blanket. Damn! I’ve admitted I’m not a complete yarn idiot!

  8. Walden says:

    Lovely parade! Love the lace in the scarf!

  9. I’m still debating whether or not I even WANT to know what the truth of my UFO status is around here…denial, not just a river in Egypt! Love the Princesses and seeing YOUR lovely WIPS.

  10. Barbara says:

    Wow. You are one busy knitter. Must say I love the color and pattern of the sweater…the broken rib pattern. Luscious color.

    The girls are Halloween-ready!

  11. Dianne says:

    Love your parade float, but the pagent queens are the best!!!

  12. Bubblesknits says:

    I saw those little outfits the other day and thought of your girls. =) I also found an orange and black mohawk hat. Puss hates me now, btw. Bwhahahaha!

  13. Kristin says:

    I loooooove her little pumpkin dress!

  14. Amy Darsie says:

    That silk merino on the bobbin is beautiful!!!

    Good luck in the contest. I just don’t have that many WIP’s lying around to enter.

  15. Anita says:

    Love all the projects, I’m afraid to dig all of my WIP’s out, it would be too overwhelming. LOL

    The girls look super cute in their Halloween finery. Way to go MJ for the cute outfits. 🙂

    And I say send G that spindle! ha ha!!!!

    No worries, I’ve forgotten what that pattern was… and it’ll be lovely once it’s finished. I’m patiently waiting. 🙂

  16. Tee says:

    The Furgirls look really adorable in their halloween outfits. Everytime i admire your yarn and your knitting, I wish i could knit! 😛

  17. anniebananie says:

    I dyed that yarn? I don’t recall dying it, but if I did and I gave it to you, then it looks pretty darn good!

  18. kathy b says:

    great post! The lace scarf for the store is amazing! How teeny tiny is that yarn??? You are really a great knitter.

  19. Kathy says:

    LOL…on the Princess, that’s too funny. Boy does wee Gretchen look pouty.

    The spinning is beautiful.

    Whew! I am exhausted just reading about the projects. Are you telling me those WIP are not finished yet? ;).

  20. Nichole says:

    Great pics of the girls and lookie at all that fiber p0rn!

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