Snow and Elvis

Elvis%20Blue%20Xmas082On my snow day yesterday, I finished the most recent Elvis cozy.  Errr…  the latest Southern Cousins book.  Of course, y’all know that I read them because of Elvis, the basset hound who thinks he’s the reincarnation of THE Elvis, right?   It’s very silly, fluffy, light reading.  Narration flips back and forth between Callie (Elvis’s owner) and of course, Elvis himself.  The dog all but thinks in song titles and most silly humans get confused and think he’s just howling when he belts out a tune…

Can you see the glare?  Actually, Elvis is on duty, guarding his owner (in the skimpy green elf costume) from whomever just offed Santa, but it reminded me a lot of Sissy’s reindeer antler-wearing photo shoot… 

DSC00033Maybe bassets just don’t like antlers.  And gee…  I wonder where those went to?  I haven’t seen them since that photo shoot…

Oh Sissy?  Do YOU know what happened to the antlers?

What are you reading?


9 comments on “Snow and Elvis

  1. gmariesews says:

    Of course Sissy knows what happened to the antlers, she buried them after she chewed them up! Those books are light and easy and even though I generally have a good idea whodonit – I’m generally wrong. But then, I’m horrible at guessing games.

    So glad you had a snow day. I do hope you were able to relax and enjoy yourself. Being productive is so over-rated! g

  2. susancyr says:

    I am reading #9 of the Brad Thor books. Much like James Bond. He saves the world in each book. Good, a little bit graphic in spots. If you are an intrigue/political thriller enjoyer, You might enjoy.

  3. Ruth says:

    Sounds like a fun read. Also, if Sissy knows the whereabouts of those antlers, you don’t really expect her to tell, do you? Reading? Essay after essay on missions…can you say “homework”?

  4. Katherine says:

    I am knee-deep in The Harbinger a mystery relating Old Testament prophesies to America today. I’m ready for a break. Thanks for the cozy recommendation! Blue Christmas Corpse sounds like just the thing I need!!

  5. AlisonH says:

    Page whatever, knitting instructions, almost endlessly but halfway done.

  6. Nancy says:

    I’m reading “Below Zero” by C.J. Box – so far so good. I just need to sit down and READ.

    Love Sissy’s antler photo. You don’t think she or Gretchen hid the antlers do you?

  7. Sue says:

    I’m trying to remember where I put the bunny ears. I’ll probably remember in a couple weeks. Oh well!

    I’m reading “A Friend Of The Family”. I had downloaded it t my Kindle a long time ago and so far I can’t figure out the mystery, so that makes me happy.

  8. Marjie says:

    I’m with G: Sissy chewed up the antlers and hid them in the back yard, under a big honkin’ rock. Gretchen stood guard, lest Sissy be found out. Sister solidarity, after all.

    I just finished a book about Van Gogh, and I’m reading a book about a murder in the dog park. Great fun.

  9. Kathy b says:

    I have been reading over fireman s shoulder on the iPad……the book is TRIPLE AGent

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