Up to my neck…

… in knitted neckwear.

That’s the finally blocked Argosy scarf.  (FO report HERE.)  The only things I can add to the verdict are that it’s even more stunning blocked, but even Noro Silk Garden is still a little rough.   I’ll probably keep this for myself, but it is a bit scratchy on the neck, and since I don’t like turtlenecks much, don’t be surprised if it winds up as a gift.  I love this colorway though!

Then, there’s the moebius I knitted from Jessi‘s handspun.  (FO report HERE.)  Now THAT I’ve already worn next to my sensitive neck skin, even though I will confess I STILL haven’t woven in the ends.  The afternoon I took these photos, it was chilly, so when I went out to move the tractor, I doubled it up around my neck in a fashion something like this:

I’m a little disappointed in the way the cowl seems to want to show its wrong side, but such is the nature of a moebius, I suppose.

Gretchen continues to be possessive of any yarn from Jessi’s house, strangely enough, even after a nice long soak…  (And clearly, she doesn’t think you want to see the “right side” pattern either.)

Have a great weekend!  We’re going to be busy, but I’ll report back on what actually comes to pass after the fact.  I can assure you that the beautiful weather today and tomorrow will be enjoyed to the best of our abilities.

Any big plans on your weekend radar?  Please do stop by Sissy’s blog and help her help Sunny!

17 comments on “Up to my neck…

  1. gaylen says:

    Love that because the argosy is knit on the diagonal the colors stripe the way they do. However, I would have to tuck that under the collar of my coat – I hate Noro! I made a sleeveless shell out of silk garden and would end up clawing at my shoulders after about 30 minutes of having it on. I finally reclaimed and gifted the yarn.

    The mobius is lovely as well.

    My weekend, ordering fabric, muslining the pattern and working on some crafty bits. I also have to get my paypal account set up so I can finally open up the etsy shop. Always something – right? g

  2. Grace says:

    as always your knitting is gorgeous, my weekend is very very lo key I hate that I am stuck inside while it is totally gorgeous out

    A Noro that I found and totally love is Cash Island, it is gorgeous I want to buy more while Little Knits still has it but its not in the card right now Oh well hopefully there will always be wool! ((and its not like I don’t have any yarn any where)

    Happy Weekend Lots of hugs~

  3. Nichole says:

    Both are beauteous!!!

  4. Marjie says:

    The diagonal knit is pretty. Funny how Gretchen just claims things!

    Sunshine here, too! Woo Hoo! Sadly, my poor little guy is sick – Patrick brought home a really nasty cold, and I’m threatening to beat him with a stick if his Dad or I get sick! Enjoy your sunshine!

  5. Sue says:

    Taxes are done so just have to go over them with Rob. Then I’m free to play. My next big project is organizing the library which should be more fun than drudgery.

    I’ll be holding hot compresses on Noah’s tail. Why do they make it so hard on me? Tails are tough to handle. I have to hold the hot pack on it while he fidgets.

  6. AlisonH says:

    Love the blue/turquoise/purple combinations, always.

  7. Walden says:

    Both look lovely.

  8. km says:

    Great FO’s. Agrosy is a pattern that’s been on my radar for awhile…so much to knit…so little time.

    I’m getting away tonight and tomorrow to hear Patsy Clairmont. She’s one of the Women of Faith speakers…and she’s a crack up. I know I’ll laugh out loud. Perfect medicine for me right now. I looked at her website…you’ll like some of her stamps… http://www.patsyclairmont.com/shop_stamps.html

  9. carol says:

    I love the colors! Soo beautiful and your little pooch looks stunning in her new scarf. I hope you have a great weekend ♥

  10. Amy Darsie says:

    I’ve been lurky with Argosy and I really like yours. May have to move that up in the queue. The colors worked well that you used! Love it!

    This weekend is out St. Patty’s Day feast. Corey and Meghan are on the road now, moving Meghan back from Florida. My folks and the in-laws will be here as well!

  11. Terrie says:

    Lovely FOs!! Miss Sissy is a beautiful model, as always 🙂

    We’re cold and snowy today and tomorrow, but should warm up on Sunday. Tomorrow is our St. Patrick’s day feast.

    Enjoy your weekend!

  12. kathy b says:

    Love the argosy. Spectacular. My cowls do the same thing sometimes.

    Happy FUn Weekend.

  13. AllyB says:

    The Noro scarf is fabulous and the Moebius is divine! I would proudly wear either one, LOL And Sissy looks great “on” the Moebius.

  14. Sandy says:

    Great work! I love them both, especially that long stretch of Noro. So pretty!

    Quiet weekend here….that’s standard. Today is housekeeping time, since I’ve been a sloth for the past week. Hopefully I’ll have time to both knit and spin today between jobs. Oh, I have to work out too. Such an exciting life I lead.

  15. Anita says:

    How the heck did I get so far behind?! ACK!!

    I love the moebius! I’ll have to queue that one. 🙂
    And of course the girls are adorable.

  16. Bubblesknits says:

    lol I wonder if she can smell the cats? Or maybe she knows it came from her Aunt in Alabama. 😉 Either way, I’m glad you both like the yarn.

    And I adore that scarf! Might have to try that pattern.

  17. […] my third Argosy.  The shawl was one of the first shawls/lace projects I did, and I really enjoyed the scarf too.   As I’ve gifted all three Argosy projects to date, I am pondering the wrap for […]

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