Feelin’ Fruity

Whoooohoooo!  It’s Friday and the sun is shining! 

My favorite Knit Picks photo of Carmen

A couple of weeks ago, Knitting It Out had a contest.   The prize was a Knit Picks kit for Carmen Bananas.   I won!  The sock monkey from my childhood disappeared, and I’ve thought about ordering Carmen’s kit more than once, so I’m delighted to have her in my home, waiting for me to take her on.  She’s going to be a challenge…  I don’t like seams, and my stranded knitting needs practicing…  Thank you, Knitting It Out!  I’m looking forward to working on Carmen and letting her walk me through some knitting hurdles.

Long ago – last Thursday – I finally finished another pair of socks.  Yes, they’re baby socks, but they are socks!

September 2010 001

Project:  Sweet Baby Kiwi

Pattern:  Sweet Baby Kate by Irishgirlieknits is my new go-to baby sock pattern.  It’s really a baby Cotty sock pattern with a matching hat thrown in for good measure.  I just can’t telly you how much I like this/Cotty pattern!  The cuff is a tiny bit fiddly the first time you do it, but since I’ve done four of them now (don’t ask – this is indeed the first pair of Cottys I’ve finished), I can almost do it in my sleep.

September 2010 004Yarn:  Leftover Plymouth Sockotta.  I love the colors, and it will go well with the blanket gMarie made for me for the same baby.  I think it’s just about perfect baby boy yarn.  He might get a bigger boy pair for Christmas or something…

Needles:  US #2 dpns.  For baby socks, I love my shorty bamboo dpns.  It’s just easier for me to do wee socks on the little dpns, rather than manipulating all the cord it would take for my usual magic loop.

Verdict:  I think I’ve already said this, but this will be my new go-to baby sock pattern.  When I’m not knitting for a baby whose climate is headed into summer, I’ll give the hat a try too.

Can’t wait for tomorrow and the Fall Fiber Festival at Montpelier.  Anyone else going to be there?  In case you’re wondering, I do anticipate mud.  I don’t know that it’s going to be as bad as the mud-fest a few years back, but I do think the parking field will be soft and slippery, and I won’t be shocked if the same is true of the vendor area as well.

Oh – and if you’re making the trek, Dog House Yarns is only about 20 miles away from the festival…  It’s guaranteed to be climate-controlled, bug-free, no direct sun, and no mud!

What’s on your weekend agenda?

18 comments on “Feelin’ Fruity

  1. Sue says:

    I had a sock monkey when I was a kid, too. I wonder what happened to him.

    I remember attending a craft fest in Gettysburg in mud so deep that a tractor had to pull the cars out of the field we were parked in. hank goodness for 4 wheel drive.

  2. gMarie says:

    I love Carmen and have thought of ordering her myself a time or two. I’ll be happy to knit her for you and then send her back (knowing your love of knitting toys, you work on the clothes – win/win?).

    Baby cottys (cotties?) are adorable. I finally have the gusset decreases done on mine – they’ll be done before the weekend is out, I hope.

    Car stuff, home improvement stuff, and a trip to Costco – that should do it for my weekend. g

  3. I am so glad you won!!! I did wonder who the winner was!!!

    Your little baby socks are just too cute for words. Almost tempting me to go to the dark side, but I will deal with cable intense projects first for a challenge!!!

  4. Nichole says:

    LOVE those cute socks… I might have to investigate the pattern!
    Congrats on winning… can’t wait to see her progress and what a fun way to work on some skills.
    Weekend? Well, probably picking up a race car and then either hitting a chilli cookoff or fair……. I love fall!

  5. YOur little sockies are adorable, of course. How could they be anything else with great pattern, lovely yarn, and skilled knitter? Weekeknd plans are fuzzy…hubs works and I hope, but don’t know, that I will be knitting my DishRag Tag cloth….

  6. Marjie says:

    Hooray for the sock monkey! Maybe you should take G up on her offer. The wee sockies are adorable, and I love that color, too.

    We got 5″ of rain before noon thursday, then a break for 7 hour, then another 4″ or so overnight, so it’s really soggy here, too. I’m taking the little boys to a book sale tomorrow, Jeff’s going to see about those 2000 books, and we’re consulting with tree cutters and tree planters about doing some landscape work around the house. I hear the dollars leaking out of my checkbook already, because my beloved is a landscape fanatic…..

  7. AlisonH says:

    For a moment there you had me going, wait, you’re driving to Vermont??

  8. Bubblesknits says:

    Cute kit! You need to make her a little furry dog like the one in the picture. =)

    Well, our weekend is going to consist of dinner with the inlaws (tonight) and going to the official grand opening of a LYS (tomorrow). I really should be up cleaning, but I’m being incredibly lazy. /sigh/

  9. Kathy says:

    Congrats!! I love sock monkeys and had one when I was a kid too :).
    The socks are very cute. Great pattern and yarn choice.
    You’re going to a fiber festival and Jessi’s going to a new yarn shop and I’m pouting…..LOL
    Seriously, have fun and I hope the mud has dried 🙂

  10. Julie says:

    Those socks are cutie tootie!

  11. Walden says:

    Love the little socks!

  12. Terrie says:

    Congratulations on winning Carmen! I love that picture for Knit Picks 🙂

    Those baby socks are adorable. I’ll have to keep that pattern in mind. I hope you have a great time at the festival today!!

  13. Barbara says:

    Carmen looks like fun, Chan. Any ideas yet?

    And sun? You’ve got sun?? At last. You can dry out.

  14. Anita says:

    Those little socks are so cute! And congrats on winning the Carmen kit, sweet! Hope you had a good time & the mud wasn’t too bad at the festival.

  15. Amy says:

    Those socks are adorable!!!

    I was thinking about you yesterday, and wondering how muddy it was going to be. Mud or not, I’d have much rather been there with you than at a funeral. At least I met some of the hubby’s cousins, who were all very cool.

  16. Love the sweet baby cotty socks!! SO cute! Hope you had a great time at the fiber festival!

    And Gretchen and her new pink jacket = adorable!

  17. km says:

    Fun Monkey and way cute baby socks. Oh why did I knot know how to knit socks when I had a baby?!

  18. Dianne says:

    LOVE that sock monkey pattern! Congrats!

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