Good Gifts

Woohoo!  It’s little friday, which means Happy Dogs on Thursday, and Thankful Thursday!

Why is it okay for Sis to sit down on the job?!

Since I’m in the doghouse, I’ll throw the girls a bone and urge you to visit their post for the day.   I must be doing something right if Gretchen gets all knotted up when she can’t post THEIR appreciation fast enough!   (Sis is grateful too, but she’s cool with just having me email the givers and say how much we all appreciate the gifts…)  They also let you know what yesterday’s mystery photo really is.

We bought Sis a special gift last weekend too, but I notice even dear Gretchie didn’t bother to mention it in their post.  You see, Sis seems to simply be unable to stay out of the trash in the bathroom.  She doesn’t bother the kitchen trash, and only lifts a rare piece from the trash can in the living room, so we gave in and bought a covered can for the bathroom.  I’m not very excited about it either.  It’s big and boring, but it’s the one the Knight and I thought mostly like to dissuade Sis…  Hopefully, it will work.

When Sis and I got home from the vet Monday night, I had a surprise waiting.  The Knight had decided I needed a spinning chair.  With a little help from Barbara at Stony Mountain Fibers and Neighbor Guy, he bought the Ashford chair, and then assembled and stained it while we were out.

He also bought his first fiber!  I am beside myself delighted.  It’s a silk merino, and I have almost 8 ounces of it.

Of course, I started spinning it right away.

Why yes, you do see at least part of a dog in most of my photos.  That’s life in the woods, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Thankful Thursday?  I’m so blessed to have a husband who understands and supports my hobbies.

Now, does anyone have a secret way to download a host of photos off my Blackberry to Flickr?  I swear someone told me once you could upload (?!) directly to Flickr on the phone, but…  Generally, with a single photo or two, I email them to myself…

22 comments on “Good Gifts

  1. Barbara S. says:

    Hmmmm, we have that exact same problem with Sadie and trash. You would think the kitchen trash would interest her, but not so much.
    Very nice chair and fiber! Cool beans that The Knight bought you fiber, here’s hoping that he had a good experience, wasn’t scared off, and will be wiling to do it again.
    Happy Birthday my friend!

  2. gMarie says:

    Can’t help you with the photos. The fiber is freaking fantastic. I love the colors. Happy Birthday. Beau’s busy sending you a post right now – but his lack of thumbs and his nails make the job harder than it should be. g

  3. Dianne says:

    What a wonderful Knight you have!

    Happy Birthday!

  4. AlisonH says:

    Happy Birthday!

  5. Marjie says:

    That first picture of the girls is funny. Sis looks like she thinks this should just be over with already. And how thoughtful of your Knight to get you that lovely spinning chair; glad to see you’re putting it to good use.

    Happy Birthday, Chan! Will it be a month of celebration again?

  6. Sue says:

    The fiber is gorgeous, those shades of gray with a little burgundy thrown in. Really pretty.

    W came to the same solution in the bathroom. We bought an ugly can with a lid. So far they’ve left it alone.

  7. Blond Duck says:

    I love that picture of them in their leis. How cute!

  8. anniebananie says:

    First of all (and I am ashamed that I forgot!) Happy Birthday!!!

    Now, the Knight is amazing. Let him know how much praise he is getting from all of us, and ask him if he gives lessons to other husbands (hint, hint).

    The fiber is gorgeous,and looks like it is soft like butter. I can’t wait to see what you do with it.

  9. Kristyn says:

    We had to hide the kitchen trash from Clark. He figured out how to get the flip top open. It now sits on the top of the basement stairs behind a closed door.

  10. Kathy says:

    That’s such a pretty chair! What a thoughtful husband.

  11. kathy b says:

    THe girls look so sweet and Hawaiin.What a thoughtful man you love!

  12. Amy Darsie says:

    Ooo … love that roving!! And the chair – wonderful. I’m glad to see you’ve been royally spoiled for your birthday!

  13. Kristin says:

    If only the hubs supported my shopping addiction. HA!

  14. Walden says:

    The girls look adorable! How nice of him to get the chair. Such a lovely gift. The fiber looks beautiful! Can’t wait to see how it spins up.

  15. Anita says:

    Happy Birthday again!!! I hope you had a nice evening. 🙂

    Awwww, the girls look cute with the leis on.
    Great presents from the Knight, he did good. 🙂 I lourves the fiber!!

  16. Terrie says:

    I hope you had a great birthday! What a beautiful Ashford chair! I love the fiber, too. The Knight is so sweet to understand and support your hobbies 🙂

  17. km says:

    I don’t know what’s more precious…the birthday gifts, or the thoughtful husband who really knows you. Ok…it’s the Knight! He gets brownie points here. Happy Birthday!

  18. Nichole says:

    Kudos to the Knight! GOOD job!
    We had to buy a covered can for our bathroom quite a few years ago as well… found a tiny stainless steel one. Best $ ever spent!

  19. Bubblesknits says:

    Oh my gosh…that fiber is gorgeous!!! And I love the spinning chair. I was just mentioning to Dr. Tooth that I needed one of those. 🙂 Glad you had a good birthday!

  20. Kathy says:

    Don’t know a thing about the photos but the chair and the fiber are another thing….lol

    The Knight is a keeper (but you already know that 😉

    Love the girls and their neck wear. Too cute.

  21. Louise says:

    Oh goodness, did I miss your birthday??? HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Channon!!! When is/was it?? Oh dang..

    Having a husband who supports your hobbies and gives you a present that you’ve longed for is indeed special. I can’t help thinking about what it must have been like for him to pick out the fiber. Any flies on the wall that saw:)

    The girls look festive with their flower wear. Have a GREAT weekend Channon and Happy Birthday too you, now I’m singing…

  22. Awww the Knight is certainly a keeper!!!

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