Liebster 2013

20130525-164758Sweet Krystle of Designed by Krystle presented me with a Leibster.    How ironic, given that my blog has been quite neglected of late.  I am hopeful that we’re back to normal now that the League year is all but over.  There are still a couple of key transitions to complete and there are definitely challenges ahead in the upcoming year too, but I think I have it under control… for now.

The Leibster comes with requirements, so away we go!

– Name your nominator and provide a link to that persons blog. (see above)
– Post 11 facts about yourself.
– Answer 11 questions from your nominator.
– Nominate 11 other bloggers.
– Ask 11 questions for your chosen bloggers.

Just click on the category 100 things or about me and you’ll get plenty of random facts.  No?  Okay then…

  1. Washington, DC is my college town.
  2. Ironically, my hometown is a true college town – Charlottesville, VA.
  3. I also consider Warrenton, VA my hometown, as I lived there from age 11-18, and it was also my father’s hometown.
  4. Believe it or not, I’ve carried the same handbag for more than 10 months now.
  5. I need a pedicure and can’t seem to make it happen.
  6. I have an edamame hummus problem.
  7. I don’t like chicken very much.
  8. I do adore bleu cheese… heck, cheese in general.
  9. I eat my salads without dressing if bleu cheese isn’t available.
  10. I go barefoot at home as long as my feet aren’t cold.
  11. I cannot drink apple juice, but the Knight uses it in cooking (smoking) all the time.

I’m not going to nominate 11 blogs.  Several of my favorite small blogs have ceased or trickled to a stop, and many of you have more readers than I do, so if you want to play along, go for it and consider yourself nominated!

Krystle’s questions for me:

1. How did you get started blogging?

Ha!  That always cracks me up.  I started blogging because it was a requirement for a knitting swap I wanted to do.  It was going to be purely a catalog of my knitting…

2. What is your favorite place to blog?

Where do I blog from?  It used to always be work, but of late, it’s from the sofa, with Gretchen’s assistance.

3. Where do you seek inspiration?

Everywhere.  Life is inspiring.  YOU inspire me; just recently, a couple of you sparked an idea I’ll share later this week… or next.

4. Vacation, the destination, or the journey?

Destination.  I used to enjoy some adventure on a vacation, but as hectic as life has been the last few years, I’m not even sure we’ve tried a new restaurant when we get away.

5. Favorite Holiday?

I don’t know that I have one.  Thanksgiving at the beach, maybe?

6. City or Country?

Country mouse here, but I do enjoy a good city visit periodically.

7. Country or Rock & roll?


8. What meal are you known for?

These days, the Knight is the cook and I bake.  Is dessert a meal?  If not, I still do a great lasagna.

9. Favorite Flower?

Whatever you give me!  I missed getting photos of the pretty PANK locally grown tulips a friend gave me last week.

10. Are you afraid of color?

Where?  On the walls in my house?  YES.  On my person?  Not so much, not since Lilly P became my go-to designer.

11. What’s your guilty pleasure?

Life’s too short for guilt.  I just snarfed down some puffed Cheetos, but I also work out 6-7 days a week, so no guilt here.

On the off chance any of you self-nominate for a Liebster, here are my questions for you:

  1. Sweet or salty treats?
  2. Red, white or blue?
  3. Dinner or supper?
  4. House phone or just a cell phone?
  5. We’re having a progressive dinner.  Which course do you want to host?
  6. What song is your theme song?
  7. Favorite charity?
  8. Do crowds energize you or drain you?
  9. What is your favorite piece of art in your home?
  10. Books – paper or electronic?
  11. How many pairs of flip flops do you own?

4 comments on “Liebster 2013

  1. Krystle says:

    I’m glad ou participated! It’s fun spreading the word about smaller blogs, and learning about the blogger behind them. Love your question 5, I would host the appetizers, that way everyone is hungry for my course, and then I can sit back and enjoy the rest of the dinner. Happy Tuesday

  2. Katherine says:

    Very interesting facts about one of my favorite blogging buddies!! I wouldn’t thing of nominating my teeny-tiny blog for a Liebster but your questions are such fun that I might answer them on my next post.

  3. Walden121 says:

    Am I one of those fading? . . . I know, I know, but I did play along! 🙂 I am trying to be around more.

  4. Nichole says:

    That was fun to read!

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