Be True

I’ve really enjoyed our fashion chats recently.  I do want to be clear though that I’m hardly a fashionista; in fact, those of you who know me in person know that  while I’m not a candidate for What Not to Wear, I am much more LL Bean than Neiman Marcus, my little fancy dress fetish aside.

March 2011 032

My furgirls both have a strong sense of personal style!

I also firmly believe that as long as you’re happy with yourself and the way you dress, none of these rules are absolutes.  I have always lived in horse country, where no one thinks a thing of a woman shopping in the same clothes she’ll wear to the barn when she finishes her errands.  Very few of our restaurants have dress codes, and I think we’re a pretty easy-going community in general.

My problem is I lost my sense of self somewhere along the way.  I got in a rut and then got used to that rut and now, I’m finally reconnecting with ME.   These fashion “rules” posts have been food for thought for me, and clearly, some of you have had strong feelings about them too.  Thank you for sharing them with me!   With my “flesh and blood” friends, I pick up a lot of their sense of style and attitudes about fashion just through regular contact.  Since many of us communicate exclusively electronically, these chats that evolve from blog posts really add new dimensions to our friendships.

June 2010 012

Gretchen posing in her pleased preppy look

Anyway, Happy Dogs on Thursday!  I blogged a bit about the girls on their blog about their own identity issues.   Neither of my girls are post children for their breeds in one respect or another, and I am curious about how your pets stack up against the stereotypes.

I can’t believe it’s little friday already.  This week – this month – has flown by, or is it just me? 

Thankful Thursday finds me actually loving the girl in the mirror.  I mean that sincerely.  She looks good, feels good, and that’s not something I take for granted.  I always TRY to like her, but sometimes, we’re at odds.   I’m feeling sassy again, so look out world! 

What are you thankful for today?

15 comments on “Be True

  1. Nichole says:

    I’m thankful that the flakes flying are just flurries and not doing much but looking like sand flying around out there today….. and thankful that we all can have our own sense of style and it’s OK to be individual!

  2. kn1tty cat says:

    Congrats friend! At my advancing ‘wisdom’, I will expound on a thought: in my twenties, I did not really worry about the girl in the mirror … I was too busy doing things. In my thirties, I was busy worrying about everything… my son, pets, husband, job, how I looked, well, just every little thing. My forties brought a desire to really figure things out – don’t worry, get a clue so to speak! Winding up my forties, I feel pretty good about me – I am more than a reflection in a mirror – I run deep! So, having run a little too deep here, I say again, Congrats girlfriend! We are worthwhile women, hear us world (or don’t … I don’t need anyone else to tell me who I am! LOL) 😀

  3. Sue says:

    Last week I had very light highlights put into my very short haircut. It made such a difference in how I feel. I’ve always loved my hair light. It was platinum for years. Then I let it go natural and gray started creeping in. So now I’ve fixed that and the old me has returned.

    I’m thankful that the 82 degree temps we had on Tuesday are gone. Yes I want nice weather, but not 80s in March. What does that say about the coming summer? Today we’re back in the 30’s. Come on, what’s going on here?

  4. Amy says:

    While I really love having a ‘base’ to go to as far as classic looks that will never go out of style, I’ll wear what I want. I was watching RuPaul’s Drag Race last night and she said something that really stuck with me.

    “What other people think of you is none of your business. You are who you are.”

    So, I will wear my vintage with pride. I will wear yellow tights with blue shoes. I’ll always be trying to start a revolution!

  5. gMarie says:

    This, my dear friend, is a wonderful post and I thank you for it. I agree with alot of the comments (putting my own spin on it) – that for the most part woman tend to the needs of everyone around us first. I’ve heard myself say – if only I could be that 20YO girl again. (Honestly, I wouldn’t be her again for anything) but to have her body? Her youth? Her energy? You betcha!!

    I’m starting to love who I see in the mirror. I think great posts like Sal’s March 23 about what her body can do in spite of her perceived flaws helps alot.

    Oh – and I think for you – capris are the ‘nice track suit’ to wear out of the house. Casual, dressier than a track suit, and you feel good. Win/win.

    Happy Little Friday indeed! g

  6. Mary says:

    Thankful, after a morning of meetings, that the afternoon one was literally just canceled. Praise God.

  7. AlisonH says:

    For the fact that it can’t rain out there forever.

  8. Jessica says:

    First, i have to say i love what G said, and also Amy’s Ru Paul quote is awesome!
    now, on to the houndies. My boys are total opposite, yet they are both 100% Vizslas, through and through. henry is clownish and roos a lot, clownish, birdy (but only when he wants to be). Fred is high strung, birdy as all get-out. Both are snuggly, and would sit on top of your head if they could. they are part cat, too. And they like to hang out on the BACK of the couch, although henry not so much as he did when he was younger.

    I love the fashion talk. It has made me take a hard look at my wardrobe, and Sal’s blog has made me really re-look at things i had cast aside…i have worn skirts for two days in a row now! yay, bare legs today…it was a warm 35* so why not! LOL. Clothes are not who i am, but they sure can be a LOT of fun, and it does make me feel good when i think i look good.

  9. Mr. Puffy says:

    One of the best feelings is being at peace with yourself and I’m so happy that you are there. It is also a good thing to occasionally step back and reassess one’s wardrobe, hairstyle, cooking, etc. and update yourself. I appreciate your ideas and hope you will continue to share some of your fashion foibles and thoughts with us 🙂

  10. Marjie says:

    If your Knight likes what he sees in the morning and at night, then I see no reason for you to change anything. You just have to be happy. I know plenty of people criticize me for wearing skirts that are “too short” or “too young” or whatever. But I only have to please two people, those whose names appear on the title to my house. I feel that if you approach life that way, you’ll have a happy marriage and home life, and therefore be a happier person.

  11. Glad you have peace with the gal in the mirror. I have peace as long as I DON”T consult the mirror, or try to shop for clothes! Totally agree with Gmarie re the capris.

  12. Katie says:

    i am really pleased that you’re loving the girl in the mirror. i’m still working on loving the girl in mine again… a few ruts, bumps and potholes in the road have taken their toll. that might explain why today i am thankful that tomorrow is FRIDAY!!!

  13. Khyra's Mom says:

    Khyra and Kohls


    Oh wait, and ES3 – The Great Kibble Provider where I spend four days of my week!

  14. Bubblesknits says:

    That’s kind of how it is where we live. Farm country. I fit right in with my blue jeans and tshirts and for that, I am thankful. LOL I’d never make it in an urban, fashionista setting.

    Micro is breaking the typical Chi stereotype in that he’s very friendly with strangers and children. I think my attempts at socializing him are working. : )

  15. Anita says:

    Yeah, let’s talk about the girl’s wardrobe now. 🙂 The cutie pies. Hey, did our girl ever get her flowers? LOL

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