Spiceberry #2

Well the holiday season is upon us whether we’re ready or not.  I had a holiday party Friday night, a tea on Saturday and my sister’s birthday dinner was last night.   As part of her present, I whipped out another Spiceberry scarf.  (Link to the first one)

December 2011 007

Project: Spice Berry #2.   Original, inspired name, eh?  Oh well. 

Pattern:  My own, which is to say cast on 16 and knit every row until the scarf is the desired length.  Being garter stitch, it has a LOT of stretch, so it can be pulled out longer or shorter as the wearer desires.   I used roughly a ball and a half of yarn, if that helps?

Yarn:  Universal Spice Berry.  This color is called Wasabi.  Three points for Universal for a good name!  It also got Gretchen’s attention, which is odd, since the girl generally only wants cashmere, fine merino, etc.  I’m guessing the fact that mohair is the dominant component attracts her?

December 2011 004

Needles:  #11 metal straights.  Wow, does Gretchen hate to hear a loose metal needle hit our hardwood floor!!

Verdict:  I’ve made two and have enough for two more.  They’re fairly quick, mindless knits that look fun and fabulous.  What’s not to love?!

Are you still doing Christmas knitting?  I have one project on the needles and then I’d like to crochet a few dish cloths if time allows.  I’ve thrown in the towel on my red cardigan for this year…  I got inspired to do some not-selfish knitting at the last minute, and I don’t think I need to feel badly about that shift in priorities.

14 comments on “Spiceberry #2

  1. gMarie says:

    Love the scarf, hope the recipient enjoyed it. No gift knitting here – but the gift sewing is in fully swing. And while my weekend wasn’t filled with social obligations – my week is turning out to be. Hem. g

  2. Sue says:

    That’s a great color on Sissy. I’m not doing any Christmas giving knitting, not much knitting at all. I have a bunch of after Christmas gifts to send out, but we’ve cut way back n exchanging gifts with family and friends.

  3. Mary says:

    Nice scarf. Love the second shot of Gretchen licking her chops…probably trying to get the mohair off her tongue. Absolutely no Christmas (or any other) knitting going on at my house.

  4. Nancy says:

    Sissy looks great in the scarf. I’m pretty sure she’d love to keep this one for herself.

  5. Nichole says:

    Love it and kudos to you to getting Christmas knitting DONE. I’m still trying…

  6. AlisonH says:

    Oh, that’s cool! Love it!

    I just got an email from a LYS in Santa Cruz, 70 minutes away: they just got a new Rowan yarn, Kidsilk Haze created as an i-cord tube so that you can knit a scarf in about 15 minutes. (Yeah, and ice your hands for the next half hour but never mind.)

    You know I want to run go look it over, at least…

  7. Jessica says:

    love that sarf! how cute is the wee one with her little tushy in the air like that? so sweet. And Sis is such a lovely little model.
    I have been knitting a little…henry acted annoyed when i pulled it out the other day. wrapped aound his paws, he’s got me.

  8. Amy says:

    I thought that I was done. Thought being the key word. I always come up with one or two more things that I need to make.

  9. Marjie says:

    You have a great model for that scarf! Nice, too, that it has Gretchen’s approval. I’m sure your sister will enjoy this scarf (is there a tea flavor called Spiceberry? It sounds like something I’d enjoy. Very random thought, I know).

  10. Ruth says:

    Love the little snout in the scarf photo! My grrls got a good surprise yesterday when on of “their” boys came home, and a not so good usprise this morning when the Groomer showed up. Now they smell like gingerbread spices….:-) Yes…still knitting….possible gifts.

  11. Barbara says:

    No wonder Gretchen likes it….wasabi matches her ears! She’s got fashion sense. 🙂

  12. kathy b says:

    Im not sure if I am done either!! i could crank out a dishcloth to go with a gift basket Im making. We’ll see. For tonight it is lovely sock knitting.
    I Love your scarf ….colors are warm and pretty!! Especially on the model

  13. Blond Duck says:

    I wish I could knit!

  14. Bubblesknits says:

    Pretty scarf. 🙂 I’m still working on my Mom’s sweater. Lots of watching tv and knitting in my spare time. Thinking she may get a present still on the needles this year. lol

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