The probability that we may fail in the struggle ought not to deter us from the support of a cause we believe to be just.  – Abraham Lincoln


19 elite wildland firefighters died in the line of duty yesterday in Arizona.  My heart breaks for all who knew them and served with them.   I hate brush/wild fires even more today.  Pray for rain.

13 comments on “19

  1. Katherine says:

    Having grown up in Arizona I understand how wildfires threaten the lives of so many! Somehow we just don’t expect the loss of life to be those who serve and protect!! My heart and prayers go out to the families of the lost firefighters.

  2. Karen says:

    Heartbreaking. Wish I could send you our rain. Terrible flooding and never ending storms back home. The boy and I are still stuck in Baltimore because of bad weather here too.

  3. Kathy says:

    So very sad. I woke up to hear the news.

    On a happier note, I see a birthday cake on your Ravatar today. Happy birthday!

  4. Nichole says:

    So very sad and tragic…

  5. Nancy says:

    I was shocked when this was announced at a meeting this morning. These brave souls were courageous. My prayers to their families and to the community.

  6. Marjie says:

    Patrick lives in Phoenix. I’d send them some of the nearly 5″ of rain we got on Saturday, if I could. And that heat! My heart aches for those families.

  7. gypsyknits says:

    My heart and prayers go out to their families and friends.

  8. gmarie says:

    It is quite tragic and I was very sorry to hear of the loss of life. I love the quote and think it’s quite appropriate. I have come to understand that people who do the most dangerous jobs, do it because they love it with little regard to the danger. g

  9. Ruth says:

    One of my sisters lives in Prescott…very personal loss here. Break in the heat plus rain needed…

  10. Mary says:

    DS has served as a wildfire firefighter, so it takes no imagination to understand the fear when fthey serve in those uncontrollable situations. But the pain and suffering those families and colleagues are facing now is unimaginable and heartbreaking. I can only lift them up in prayer.

  11. kathy boyer says:

    Too hard to comprehend. Awful to imagine. YEs I’ll pray for rain. 😦

  12. sue says:

    A good post about those firefighters is here:

  13. Blond Duck says:

    My heart breaks for their families.

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